Saturday, January 1, 2011

Engineer a new year

I'm starting the year out with a brunch at the Engineers Club in Baltimore. A private club that I get invited to from time to time by my friend and cousin Jason and his wife. I have said for a long time that country club memberships, or in this case a city club membership is worth every dollar spent. I'm not a fan of kids generally, but when kids and restaurants are combined everyone looses. The beauty of country clubs (from my limited experience) is the absence of noisy ill-behaved kids. No disruptions in the bar area because it's before 8pm, or any other "family friendly" policy designed to net the most dollars overall. So, this morning I'm going to be at the peaceful place known as the Engineers Club, ahhh.

But it doesn't end there! My wife is a fitness instructor and has a meeting scheduled for her main club today. So, I was told this morning, "pack a workout bag". Really, I'm going to be in a gym on January 1st with all the others that fell off the wagon. Guess so. The bag is packed and the iPod charged, I'm ready to get this over with. I just hope she coworkers don't give her flack for bringing me around. Personally I think it's Bad Idea Jeans.

This evening is scheduled at a wine bar somewhere near Towson followed by a hot tub. Wine bars generally aren't my thing because I like beer and liquor when the beer runs out. Hopefully there will be a limited beer selection available, else I will venture into the Riesling offerings trying to find a ten dollar bottle like they have at the store. Come to think of it a wine bar is like a country club because it's expensive and free of kids. Cheers.

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