Sunday, January 2, 2011

Low Resolution

I never make new year resolutions because they are never kept. The cold turkey method of changing a behavior generally doesn't work, so why bother? I'm not talking about smoking, I'm referring to any unhealthy behavior - fast food, junk food, caffeine, reality TV shows, alcohol, whatever is fun and therefore bad for you. Baby steps, that is the sure fire way to feel good about yourself, and have something to talk about.

I came up with the bright idea yesterday to try, try again to kick the love for fast food but in an attainable way. For the month of January I'm going to *try* to skip french fries and soda. This is perhaps possible because there are substitutes for both items that are generally available. If I can get through the month of January on the wagon then I'll have a building block for something more substantial.

Yesterday there was a plan to go to the new gym by my work and at the last second it was skipped. Pulled out of the exit at the last second when we saw only one car in the gym lot. So there was brunch, motorcycle ride to the bank, bar food (no fries*), drinks, hot tub, then drive home. On Monday the party is over and it's back to the grind, but January is a clam month so it's more like grind lite.

Do people make new years resolutions any more? Did you?

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