Sunday, February 13, 2011

McDonald's & the Gym part II

It's a lazy Sunday and I was able to muster the strength to go to the gym for a 3rd day, quite an accomplishment. After doing the requisite amount of exercise I went to the lobby to finish reading on my iPod. While I was in the lobby people watching and reading I noticed two things that simply don't belong.

The first was a guy bringing in five pizzas, probably for a party in one of the rental "party rooms", but I feel that pizza is contraband when it comes to a gym. If you think about it pizza is the reason we need to go to the gym in the first place. About one minute later I see two military guys that have a McDonald's bag of lunch and they are sitting at a table ten feet away enjoying their burgers. WTF - really, you are bringing McDonald's into a gym?! I'm not judging, I'm just saying.

After I was done with the reading I left the building and while I was walking to the car I noticed FOUR smokers by a side door. FOUR! What the hell is going on at this place - Pizza, McDonald's, and smoking!?

Maybe the gym isn't the best environment for me?